Originally Posted By: Saladbar

I HOPE the old Republican party that was an alliance of the religious right, hawks, and corporate types is finished.

The religious right is through. Of all the right wing intolerance, the hijacking of Jesus is what galls me the most. I realize I'm biased, because I've remained close to my Catholic roots, but the Evangelical rantings about the inerrancy of the Bible has absolutely no place in politics.

I'll tell you one thing, and I'm not looking to start a religious debate or hijack this thread, but if Jesus had a voter's vegistration card, there's now way he'd vote Republican. Actually, he probably wouldn't vote at all. He had little use for politicians in general. That's the great irony of the whole thing.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.