Originally Posted By: BDuff
This whole "Family Secrets" trial took a whopping TWO made guys off the street and third guy, Zizzo, was clipped for flapping his gums too much.

I could literally go through every post on BDuff and tell you how he's full of it, but this will probably be the last one because I have got better things to do with my time.

No one knows why Tony Zizzo disappeared back in 2006. It's almost a certainty that he was murdered and it's almost a certainty that his Outfit friends killed him. But there has never been any information as to why he disappeared. Nothing at all.

There has been a total of three newspaper articles devoted to his disappearance and one television news station report on it, all with either the Zizzo family or law-enforcement agencies (one suburban Chicago police department and the Chicago FBI Division) looking for information about the disappearance. The Chicago FBI even issued a press release (click here http://chicago.fbi.gov/pressrel/2007/apr09_07.htm) about his disappearance looking for information.

So, for BDuff to say Zizzo was "clipped for flapping his gums too much" is just more of his imagination at work.

Unless his body is found and there is an arrest made in the case, we will probably never know why he disappeared and was likely killed. Least of all does BDuff know the reason for it.