Originally Posted By: Freddie C.
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
I thought the trip was a great success, if at the least because the President didn't make any obvious public embarrasing gaffes, and more than that, actually looked like he belonged on the world stage.

Good to see that Obamamania is alive and well.

What about him bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia? That was definitely an obvious gaffe that doesn't make him look like he belongs on the world stage. Sure, you'll say it was no big deal, but the White House thought it was serious enough to come out and lie about it. The man demeans the office every chance he gets.

White House: No bow to Saudi

No, embarrassing (gaffes)is when you massage the German Chancellor's shoulders OR when you can't find your way out of a room OR dare I say, go to war with the wrong country. Don't get me started as the former leader's fuck-ups as that could have it's own thread. This President on the world stage is such a dream after the last eight years. All and all, he did extremely well. I'm very proud of him. smile


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 04/09/09 08:07 AM.

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