Originally Posted By: ginaitaliangirl
Has your family had it a long time?

They've had it 30 years, as long as I've been alive. When I say I grew up in a candy store it's true. As a baby I used to sleep in the tiny back room in a cardboard box while both my parents were working.

The funny thing is, after our whole lives growing up in there, my brothers and I haven't had a single cavity. The dentist used to joke saying we were bad patients because he depended on getting a lot of business from candy store owners lol

Originally Posted By: klydon1
Have you ever had interest in working in the family business?

It's crossed my mind, but only because I would make more money than I'm making now. However, instead of handing the store to myself or one of my brothers, I think my parents want to sell it for as much money as they can possibly get so they can have a better retirement. I don't blame them.

Besides, I did work there for 4 1/2 years, and it wasn't as fun as it might seem. Growing up with tourists everywhere, who have all left their brains at home, can be frustrating. I will be sad though when the store is no longer in my family.

Last edited by Blibbleblabble; 04/08/09 12:04 PM.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes