Hey Joba, you don't like New York?

Then get the fuck out, you stupid redneck. Plus, it's always smart to make fun of Yogi (the greatest living Yankee). Ugh! Dumb ass hillbilly!


NY Daily News

He had the right to remain silent, and should have used it.

Yankees righthander Joba Chamberlain instead ripped New Yorkers as rude and city drivers as cutthroat after his drunken-driving arrest - before taking a boozy shot at pinstriped icon Yogi Berra.

"No bull----, he might not be as tall as the front of your car," Chamberlain told the Nebraska state trooper who found an open bottle of Crown Royal sitting inside the hurler's BMW.

Chamberlain's cracks were captured in an arrest video uncovered by thesmokinggun.com. It showed the 23-year-old going through a variety of sobriety tests and chatting amiably with Trooper Michael Grummert.

"The biggest thing that I've noticed driving here and there is if you let somebody in, they open the window and say 'thank you,' " Chamberlain said about getting behind the wheel in Nebraska.

"In New York, they might hit you. Yeah, it's a joke."

The video caught Chamberlain after he was pulled over last Oct. 18 for doing 70 mph in a 55 mph zone. Chamberlain was heading home from a local strip club when stopped.

"That bottle of Crown Royal over there - is it open?" the trooper asked. "Why don't you just hand that over?"

The hard-throwing hurler tried to play the Pinstripe Card once stopped. "Obviously," he said, "I play for the Yankees."

He was polite and cooperative throughout, putting both hands on the hood of the police cruiser as the trooper frisked the Yankees star.

After weaving to the left when trying to walk a straight line, Chamberlain sat in the trooper's car for some casual conversation - with Grummert asking about life in New York.

It wasn't like Nebraska, Chamberlain said, where "you can go and open a door and say please and thank you."
Chamberlain pleaded guilty to drunken driving last week, receiving nine months' probation and losing his license for 60 days. As part of a plea deal, the charge of driving with an open alcohol container was dropped.

The Yankees' No. 5 starter is expected to make his season debut Sunday against the Royals in Kansas City.

The former high school catcher-turned-pitcher said the best thing about being a Yankee was the proximity to Hall of Famer Berra.

"Yogi comes in every couple of days," Chamberlain said. "And I go, 'Yogi, what the f--- are you doin' here?' "

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.