I was going to post in one of the other threads, but I know not everyone reads the fantasy threads.

Anyway, I watched the Giants home opener and I am excited this year. There is finally proof the Giants are on the upswing of a bad stretch. They still won't make the playoffs, but I can see them being very good 2-3 years from now when some of their top prospects have come up through the minors. Plus, the attitude of the team is youthful and fun. Especially guys like Lincecum, Brian Wilson (who looks like he has a mowhawk?), Pablo Sandoval and Emmanuel Burris. Mix in some quality veteran personalites like Rowand, Aurilia and Molina and I think it's going to be a fun year. It's such a drastic, and welcomed, change from the serious atmosphere of the Bonds era.

Anyway, talk about anything baseball here. smile

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes