A bit of a rumpus here in the UK where our Home Secretary (our Secretary of State if you like), a po faced old bag called Jaqui Smith has been pulled into a shitstorm over her expenses account and how she has been fiddling it eek

All our M.P's get £23,000 in an expenses account to pay for their "second homes" in London for when they are sitting in Parliament. She has spent just under the allotted amount on all sorts of stuff,including porn movies,bath plugs and 2 whole new kitchens? Why would she need 2 kitchens for a house she only uses occasionly i ask? The porn movies were apparently for her hubby tongue

That is the only comic turn in this farce however. She is using tax payers money (our money) to feather her nest and has been caught. Everyone is screaming for her to resign but we will have to see what happens. She is claiming she has not broke any rules but seeing it is her and her crooked pals who make the rules,what chance do we have?????

An other example of our crooked pols rubbing our noses in it.

Bastards mad

I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!