Originally Posted By: Just Lou
If DB would have taken Santana as I expected him to, it would have thrown off my entire draft. I may even had taken Lincecum.

In a way I think that might have made my draft a little better. I have a feeling Sabathia is going to have a better year than Lincecum, and I would have taken him with that pick instead but, I'm too much a homer.

I feel like I had a much more solid draft this year. Last year I goofed when I realized I had filled all my other positions but forgot to draft a 3B. This year I'm happy to have solid players at hard to fill positions (Hanley Ramirez, Brian Roberts, Geovany Soto) and I'm hoping for a couple of rebound seasons in Carl Crawford and Aaron Harang. I'm also surprised Vernon wells lasted to the 18th round.

Like JG said though, it definitely helps to have a couple less teams this year. It makes us all feel happy about our drafts before the season starts. Then we can start worrying and try to make trades...

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes