Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
"Gifted parents". What is that all about i ask?

Is it not truly a gift just to be a parent in the first place?

Yep. But here the word "gifted in a school context frequently refers to young students, who are selected to participate in advance studies. It begs the question, "Are the other students ungifted?"

But the "gifted programs" are often subject to politics and lobbying. Excellent test scores and grades make you elligible, but a gifted committee gets you in. While my kids take "advance placement" classes, which are grade based, they're not part of the Gifted Program...although my son at one time was asked to assist and tutor a "gifted" kid in his own grade.

The "gifted parent" term is kind of a tongue-in-cheek term to refer to parents, who brown nose and manipulate, monopoloize and dominate all the activities their kids take part in. They're a minority, but they make a lot of noise. smile

They tend to be patronizing too. every year the entire school selects a country to study and ther is a week of activities, assemblies, programs, food and games to learn about the country. This year it was Switzerland and one of the "gifted" parents, who organized some of the activities wanted to collect money to send to groups that help "all the starving people in Switzerland" from your well-to-do friends at P_____ Elementary." I laughed and said there were probably more hungry people in a 25 mile radius of the school than there are in Switzerland, which is not a Third World Country. She didn't know what third world meant. grin