On Sunday it was really sunny outside but there was a very strong cold wind so everyone was miserable because they wanted to be outside. Then I remembered we bought a couple of kites a few years ago and never used them. So I put them together and took the family up to the elementary school field. It's the first time I've flown a kite since I was a kid! I forgot how much I love the sound the kites make.

Early on I let out all the string only to discover the string wasn't tied to the reel thingy and it took off on me. I had to chase it to the end of the field before it got away. Then our other kite, a butterfly one, wouldn't stay up in the air more than a minute before it would nose dive into the ground. So while I was out there trying to fix it my girlfriend was flying our other one, a cool pirate ship kite. The pirate ship kite decided to nose dive as well and landed right on my head, giving the family a good laugh.

It turned out the kids were more interested in riding their bikes and playing in the playground, so it was me and my girlfriend having fun being kids flying the kites.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes