Originally Posted By: Mark
clapOkay, let's get back on track... lol

"Fidelity" by: Santino Corleone

"How to Protect Your Daughter" by: Michael Corleone

"Pleasant Dinner Conversation" by: Frankie Pentangelli

"How to Be the Best Cop You Can Be" by: Al Neri

"My Future in The United States" by: Fabrizzio

"Public Speaking" by: Luca Brasi

Your turn...

lol we gotta love our Mark.

"How to mess up while translating" Batista's translator

"how to laugh while getting slapped for dummies" by Johnny Fontane

"Eating an Orange With The Skin on" by Michael Corleone

"how to drink from a glass in 1 second" by Tom Hagen

your turn

The more i see, the less i know - John Lennon