Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
While I do see and understand the sincerity in Mignon's concerns, and share the outrage that she feels at those who are taking advantage and manipulating the system, at the same time I also know that we have to look at the big picture and realize that we cannot just arbitrarily punish the majority of people who legitimately depend on these federal programs to feed their families and their children.

Do we need to tweak and fix the welfare / federal subsidary systems that we have? Absolutely! But it has to be done the right way in order not to hurt the vast majority of people who's lives depend on these public assistance programs.

I'm not heartless. I don't want innocent children to go hungry. I know that there are people who need help and assistance. I just hope something can be done that people won't be able to take advantage and manipulate the system one day. But that will probably never happen.

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12