I just finished watching the Testimony given by the AIG CEO, and let me tell you that many of those who questioned this man are nothing more than a bunch of granstanding hypocrites!

While I am not defending AIG and their practices in any way, at the same time those who are supposed to be representing us sat there on national television today and made it look as though they were outraged that AIG went and gave out these bonuses using the bailout money that was given to them. Many of these grandstanding politicians are the same politicians who quietly removed a measure that was included in the original stimulus package that restricted AIG from handing out bonuses with the bailout money. This is outrageous! It all makes sense because when they revised the first bill, it was done in those infamous late night over the weekend meetings where several in congress, who wound up voting against the revised package, were denied their request to read the modified bill before they voted on it!

Members of the house, the senate and the White House met to revise the original bill and they are the ones responsible for removing that restriction!

Our representatives are just as guilty of doing this to us as are the CEOs and executives of these companies!

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.