Originally Posted By: Snake
I want to believe in Obama...but I don't; I can't. It's just the same politics as usual. As I heard someone say, "Rome is burning, and the government is handing out fiddles." Forget Republican and Democrat. I've lived 47 years and have never seen this country so bad. And when I hear that it's the government who's going to bail us all out, I'm more scared than I already am. Furthermore, spending billions in tax dollars on earmarks--be it Democrats or Republicans--is insanity to me. I don't have the answers. But I know the "Messiah" hasn't a clue either...and it scares the hell outta' me.

My God, what day is this when the conservatives of America are now wide-eyed, naive than liberals?

Really for someone that's from Memphis, you took every word as the Gospel? Then again you are from Memphis the Rasslin/Democratic Machine town, so hey what do I know?

Anyway, I think its funny you and the other GOPers are mocking the "Messiah," but weren't you all also so gippity and worshipping Reagan, your savior?

If one understands politics for what it is, and accept the President as a politician, then one isn't as offended.

In short, its one thing to be upset by the process of politics, its another to be upset by policy or whatever. Just don't confuse the trees for the forest.