Originally Posted By: Snake
It's just the same politics as usual. spending billions in tax dollars on earmarks--be it Democrats or Republicans--is insanity to me.

I'm afraid that it has already begun Snake.

When he was running for President one of his main campaign promises was that if elected President he would "demand a federal government that is accountable to the people." He promised that he would "not sign legiĀ­slation laden with billions of dollars in earmarks!" He swore in his campaign that he would "reject budget requests that let congressmen send money to their states!"

So last week the House passes a bill that would keep the government open for business through Sept. 30, when the federal budget year ends. Turns out that this bill has close to 9000 earmarks with an estimated cost totaling $7.7 billion!!!! And President Obama signed this bill. frown

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.