Originally Posted By: Longneck
Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
he correctly stated that the President needs to start talking UP the economy instead of talking it down. And I have to agree with him.

So...you'd rather he lied to you and told everyone the economy was fundamentally sound when it is obviously not?

Absolutely not LN. You chose to quote only a part of what I said which takes what I said a bit out of context.

As I said : "I do find, at times, that the President seems to dwell a bit to much on the negatives instead of pointing out the positives, however minimal they may be at this time."

I did not say that he should sugar coat or lie to us about what is happening.

My point, and I believe Mr. Dimon's point was that the American people are beaten down. Day after day we turn on our radios and our television sets and on almost every channel we find someone talking about how bad things have gotten and will continue to get. Each day the 1 hour news cast will spend 57 minutes talking about what is, went and will continue to go wrong and will maybe spend the other 3 minutes reporting about any positive progress that may have been made that day in regards ot our economy.

When your team is getting beat you do not have to keep reminding them of how terrible they are playing. There comes a point that if you keep doing that you will drain them of whatever hope they have left in them. There comes a point when no matter how bad your team is losing and how beat up they may be, a good and seasoned leader will no longer beat them down but instead pick out the positives, no matter how minimal they may be, and talk them up. Try to build on those positives. Help to try and restore some sense of hope back in the players.

President Obama did a spectacular job in providing hope in the American people during the homestretch of the election and after becoming the President elect. But I've noticed that as the weeks have passed, that firey hope that President Obama once displayed has begun to diminish somewhat. He seems to have swayed towards the negatives more than tryting to talk up the positives.

I want this President to be successful. I want this President's plan to work, to help this country and it's people. And I want this President to show the American people that he can inspire and lead them AS the President in the same way and on the same level that he was able to when he was running for President.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.