Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Had this happened under President George Bush, many here and around the country, the anti-Bush people, would have said that the dow took a dive because investor confidence was lost when it looked as though Bush would win the election, when Bush finally won the election and when Bush signed into law a bill that he co-authored and agreed with. Let's be honest..... they would have blamed George W. Bush.

Apples and oranges. Obama didn't set the stage for the Dow to fall. Eight years of W did.

C'mon now. Your man's party lost and your man (who up until the debates thought that the economy was sound) was sent packing. Get used to it and give up this witch hunt against Obama.

Don't put words in my mouth and don't you dare accuse me of mounting some kind of witch hunt!

It's amazing how when the tables are turned the people from your party rant and rave that their candidate is being treated unfairly and that the opposition is being un-american because they say something negative about Obama! For 8 years OUR President, George W. Bush was belittled, abused, mistreated, blamed and slandered by the same people who know get offended at even the littlest thing that is said against President Obama.

The difference between myself and some others is that both President Obama and President Bush are MY presidents. Many people only support the President that represents their party. I support this President and hope that he has success! I don't root for failure as many have and did when W was president.

That's what's wrong with this country. This is exactly where we went wrong.

Oh, and please, in your next post, at least try and debate the ACTUAL issue at hand instead of reverting back to the same old "it's the previous administrations fault" song.

It's tired and old.

Remember, we are now in a time for CHANGE!!!

Hopefully we'll have some change left in our pockets!

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.