Originally Posted By: klydon1 [/quote

..... and watching replays of the game at least a dozen times.

One of the things I enjoy while watching the Harrison interception is Larry Fitzgerald purposely leaving the field of play to avoid being blocked (objection, your honor, how can counselor know what's going on inside Mr. Fitzgerald's head) and running out of bounds along the Cardinal sideline, which is a illegal. While trying to catch Harrison at around the 30, he runs into a teammate, who steps out a little to see the play. Fitzgerald finally decided to reenter the field of play inside the ten.

But tells us about the block from behind on Harrison's run back. I saw it again on Sportcenter this weekend, but I'd like to see it in slo-mo from 12 angles. My son-in-law won $250 because of that play and the Stealers may have won because of that play. A very hollow victory.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12