Originally Posted By: olivant
Hey Yogi, chime in here.

I am here!

I work for the NHS so i support it. The general idea is that anyone who pays taxes also pays a National Insurance contribution to the government which goes to the NHS and then anyone who has problems can go to hospital and get seen for free.

The problems that have arisen over the years are that the population has grown so much that the NHS has struggled to cope,big waiting lists and the like. Also the politicians fight over it like tigers about how much money should be sunk into it. So a while ago they broke it up into individual trusts who maintain their own regional hospitals. The problem here is that many of these folk are idiots and run their trusts badly.

Private treatment has become a big thing just lately. People pay so much yearly and when they need a hip operation they get it done the next day. If they needed it done on the NHS they would get it done but it would take a year!

The NHS is a great idea but it has become like an out of control snowball rolling down the hill.

For the record.the hospital i work for,the Freeman is regularly voted one of the best 3 in the country for hygiene and cutting waiting lists. it is also a world centre for heart treatments and cancer care.

I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!