Originally Posted By: J Geoff
Originally Posted By: J Geoff

I watched The Poseidon Adventure (1972) last night and when I saw that Leslie Nielsen was playing the captain, I was like, Oh, no! How can I possibly take his character seriously after Airplane! and the Naked Gun series!! lol ...but luckily his airtime didn't last long (he did fine in the drama, but still!). Decent movie I guess. Gene Hackman, Ernest Borgnine, and Red Buttons were great.

Will have to see how this compares to the Kurt Russell/Richard Dreyfuss remake, Poseidon (2006)...


The latter -- despite the 21st Century effects that, truthfully, didn't even compare to Titanic (1997) -- sucked in comparison, in every other regard, to the original. In the '72 version at least I gave a shit about anyone surviving; in this case, nah, maybe just the kid, otherwise there was nothing/no one to root for, cuz there was little character development.

Another pointless/shit remake outta the way.

Remember when Wolfgang Petersen made good movies?

Now his name to me is anonymous with shit. What happened to the German who shot DAS BOOT and IN THE LINE OF FIRE?