Originally Posted By: J Geoff
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Define "more story."

Well, the whole bit in Magnificent when
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the farmers turned on them and kicked them out

for one thing, which I thought at least added something to the plot.

Oh that contrived nonsense. Because you know, its more heroic to save folks who don't want your ass. Right.

I really like MAGNIFICENT, also the basis for a groovy The Clash funk tune, but I prefer SEVEN SAMURAI in that instead of MAGNIFICENT's simplistic dancing nonsense, in Kurosawa's picture the samurai always knew that the farmers only wanted them to save their skin, and those fighters needed a job or do something noble or whatever shit.

Remember that sequence when the Samurai
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realize that the farmers have murdered previous Samurai who've come by the village?
Yet the leader of the samurai stayed, and without much debate or melodrama.

Which is why also the ending is better, and that last line much more at home and direct than the American western interpretation of it.

Who knows, maybe that story fits more at home in the Japanese culture than our own? Weird since Kurosawa admittedly ripped off John Ford westerns.