do you get shocked with this kind of news? the historic average for firing head coaches in Brazil is 1 for each round of the national championship. it's changing a little bit in the last years, towards-Europe while European teams are changing towards-Brazil lol I can bet that Arsene Wenger is not that safe too.

now, another piece of curiosity from the third world: until the last minute of the "transfer window" Alex, from Internacional was supposed to be going away from us, and the last rumor was that he was headed to Tottenham. he's won every single title that Inter had left to win, and last year he just took over as the star of the team and everybody was saying he was the best player in Brazil last year, when he scored 32 goals and led Inter to the South American Cup title. but he seems like he really wants to go and I get the feeling that he doesn't play shit in decisive games. and given the fact that we have the best posible back ups and that every brazilian team NEEDS to sell its best players sometime, I think it's his time to go. is there any news about this in there?

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk