that's the kind of news that really makes me mad. not at A-Rod but at everything being the fool innocent fan who loves the game. we are the ones who keep this fuckin' shit going on and what do we get? we get to see those millionaires screw up the only thing that was sacred and fun, the sport of baseball. I hope we can just keep going on and on until the time when this will be just another "era" in the history of the game just like the dead ball era, the hitting-friendly 20's era, the pitcher friendly 60' era and so and so. of course it's a big stain in the history of the game but what can we do?

everybody who played in this era is under suspicion and the only thing that I can think is that Sports Illustrated will release the same boring "breaking news" claiming that Pujols took steroids too when they run out of news between Superbowl and the start of baseball in 2010. the millionaires have screwed up soccer too, which is my favorite sport, and they have screwed up basketball, and the Olympics and music and cinema and even the economy now. and let's face it, they've screwed up baseball too.

what do I care about Bonds' case? he has already stained the record books that we kept through a hundred years, and now we have to try to explain outsiders why the all time HR leader can't find a job one year removed from his record breaking homer.

Bonds isn't the only one, of course, but he's the only one who stained the record books like that. time will say he was the first one. but the fans who love the game and who keep this fuckin' shit going on have to get a scapegoat just to release the anger that these guys bring up, and Bonds is the perfect one. an overall piece of shit who doesn't even care what we think. he's got all the million dollars he'll ever need and he feels like breaking all MLB HR records was just his job. and A-Rod is the next one on the 'hated list'. he's just like all the other players in the steroid era who took steroids but he gets to be hated for being the best one.

that's what I'm saying, we fans need someone to throw our frustration at, and who better than A-Rod? he's the one who fooled us with his 40/40 "skills" at SS, he's the one with a 200 million dollars contract and he's the one who's a choker which contributes a lot to the perception that he's another piece of shit. anyway, I can't wait for baseball!

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk