Originally Posted By: klydon1
Got Six?

.... but the better team won.
.....This Super Bowl will have memorable moments: Harrison's 100 yard interception return for a TD to end the half,
.....Warner's fourth quarter efforts (?) and Fitzgerald's long TD,
.....and, of course, the championship drive that started with a holding penalty.

I believe his franchise (Rooney) is the greatest in sports.

Consigliere, consigliere....how many beers did you have when you wrote this? Kudos to the Steelers. They made less mistakes than the Cardinals. Does that make them the "better" team? On Sunday night it did, but your statement implies for all eternity.
Memorable moments: Harrison's 4th quarter aggravated assault on a defenseless Cardinal on his knees. Great run back besmirched.
Correction. Warner's 4th quarter accomplishments.
Fitzgerald's long TD, courtesy of the vaunted defense leaving the middle open enough to land a jumbo jet.
Not to be out done by the Cardinals 45 yards worth of penalites on one drive (nice gainer).
I believe the Yankees still hold the title of greatest sports franchise.

Ok, counselor, you had your moment in the sun, back to court...reality.

Just yankin' your chain Klyd. Nice win.....but they really aren't that good. Don't forget, the Eagles beat them. tongue grin

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12