Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Jeez. You like curse words in reviews? Then Hollywood can go fuck itself!

Fuck You Very Much, Hollywood, for wasting too many minutes of my life on the totally uninspired remake (since you can't think of anything original any more) The Omen (2006). Simply.... WHY?? What was wrong with the original? Nothing. How did you improve upon it? Oh, you didn't. You somehow made it BORING, you pieces of\\\\\\\\ all right now. You get the gist. :|

Attaboy that's the spirit!

Dude, you should realize that with all this rash of Hollywood horror remakes...nobody involves gives a shit.

And why should they? Bother to give a care or not, they make a profit regardless. Hell remember that dispised Rob Zombie HALLOWEEN remake? Still hit post $50 million in America. A notorious criminal too is producer Michael Bay.

Hell, the original FRIDAY THE 13TH (without hockey-mask Jason actually in it, nor was he the murderer) I found to be surprisingly a solid slick thriller with a great jump-scare ending.

The remake will find a way to be even more mindless and stupid than even the most mindless and stupid of the previous FRIDAY sequels. Then again, people watched them to see the creative gruesome ways that Mr. Voorhees dealt with the kids.