Originally Posted By: goombah

Not only do I remember when the halftime shows were not what they are today, but I am old enough to remember the games starting at a reasonable hour: 3:30 or 4:00 p.m. EST.

I don't recall the "Blues Brothers" thing, but I am sure it tied in with the "Blues Brother 2000" movie with Goodman. That concept sounds painful, let alone watching it!

Was the game always on the same network years ago or did it bounce around like it does in the modern era? For some reason, I feel like Madden has been calling many Super Bowls (first with Pat Summerall) since the Stone Ages.

Throughout the 70s and into the 80s it alternated between CBS and NBC. I remember early afternoon Super Bowls where they would lead into golf telecasts (I can't imagine watching golf after a Super Bowl :)).

The first prime time Super Bowl was CBS Dallas/Denver (1978 I think), and I remember how surreal it felt to see a football game played on Sunday night, let alone a Super Bowl. I would say that it was the mid-70s when the popularity of the Super Bowl started to take off and become an event more than a championship. The Jets winning III would certainly be a crowning moment in '69 though. There would be a variety show on Saturday night before the game called "Super Night at the Super Bowl." It was probably in the mid 80s when the "Super Bowl Party" came into vogue.

Anyway, I didn't mean to get off the topic of Springsteen.

Last edited by klydon1; 01/30/09 07:00 PM.