Originally Posted By: goombah
Here is a funny story how Rolling Stone brought down the Vegas betting on which Springsteen songs would be played at the Super Bowl halftime show.


I think Bruce will play the following on Sunday:

Working on a Dream
The Rising
Born to Run
American Land

This has become a popular activity - guessing the 4 songs. I'm going to guess that he starts with Glory Days because it's lively and appeals to casual and non-Springsteen fans. It's a song everyone knows.

Next will be Working on a Dream. Three years ago the Rolling Stonesopened with Start Me Up, followed by a new song. This seems the best place for a song from the new CD.

The third song may be the Rising as it is inspiringand uplifting. I would like to see him do Badlands, Rosalita or Thunder Road, but they're lengthier (at least the latter two) and it's still about the game.

I'm thinking Born to Run has to be the finale. Heck, that song could be the National Anthem.

I'm hoping he doesn't make any political statements during the show. Yeah, most of us were thrilled by Obama's innaugural, but the Super Bowl isn't the place we want to hear someone's political beliefs.

This could be one of the great half time shows. I was a little disappointed by the Rolling Stones three years ago and last year's Tom Petty. One of the better ones I remember was Aerosmith, who was joined by Britney Spears, about whom I knew very little then, and one of the boy pop bands of the time. And I thought U2 right after 9/11 was the best, to date.