Originally Posted By: Tony Mosrite
just watched "Jackie Brown", which was the last Tarantino flick that I still had to watch. I believe QT himself said that this is a "smaller" work than "Pulp Fiction", but the hype must've been so huge at that time that "Jackie Brown" couldn't keep up with half of it. my opinion is that it's only 1/4 of an hour too long. okay, half an hour. but that's what I think of 2/3 of the movies I see that run longer than 120 minutes. the acting and the characters and of course the dialogues are all great and I don't have no problems with slow-paced movies, so I have to say I liked it.

I think this was his only movie he didn't write. It's based on an Elmore Leonard book, who was writing Tarantino style books decades before Tarantino was around.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes