Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
I disagree completely. I absolutely loved WALL-E. Just curious why you think it was an inconsistent script?

A huge shuttle with lots of probes plants only one explorer on Earth. It is the first thing WallE has seen in 700 hundred years, or he doesn't know better not to hang around the shuttle or watch out for the bitchy cone! Robots want to hold hands. So lame! Apparently in 700 hundred years they've developed feelings, but not speech. All they can do in that department is to call each other's names with very bad voices. Sex is obsolete, yet there are fat babies and not clones. And a plant's seed somehow ends up under an old box(?) and then grows there without any light. And again somehow it survives being in vacuum without being ripped apart for a significantly long time.

Don't even start me on the single brain cell moral of the story.

All in all, icing on a shoe box.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones