In fact, and I'll tell this as it's relevent to the topic. I've always been a young looking person for my age. Always the one out of all my mates that would be ID'd before getting served for booze, or getting into a club (remember the drinking age is 18 here).

I was 21 before I felt comfortable with going out without my ID. But I've been a pisshead since I was 15/16, but worse, became a heavy drinker since I was about 20/21. Now at 25, because of all the drinking, I've aged horribly. I look like Uncle Fester sometimes. If I carry on the way I have been doing I not only risk looking even worse but probably dieing far too young. I'm making a massive lifestyle change and doing pretty well (apart from tonight of course, but I'm celebrating).

So die all who betray Giuliano