Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Do they do it at the site of pain, or is it elsewhere on the body, etc? Typical treatment and cost, etc?

First visit was $75, $60 after that. They last 75-90 minutes. I've had 17+ needles at each treatment. The "specialist" treats your "meridiens", or your nerve network that is in the affected area, as well as other areas they deem necessary. I get one needle in the top of my head; one in my foot, hand, legs, but most are in my back - upper, middle and lower - and neck area. After the needle treatment, which is about 30 minutes, I also get massaged (I'm in love with her hands). It really feels quite fantastic.

My insurance company says they will cover it, but there were no acupunturists in my area, so I've submitted the bills and I am waiting for the first reimbursement. Look for a place that advertises TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicine. May the Zen be with you.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12