I recently completed my 6th acupuncture treatment and I am feeling terrific; one more to go.

I have a chronic neck problem. It appears that I have arthritis in two of my neck vertebrae. About 3 years ago I had a painful flare-up. It affected my left shoulder and arm. It lasted almost 4 months. I could only get relief if I kept my head in a slightly tilted position. I could not tip my head back and because of that I could not ride my bike and I had a hard time swimming in the ocean (bummer, no body-surfing). In the past two years it flare-up twice, but not lasting as long. In November past, it struck again. I had been receiving chiropractic relief, applying heat and massage. In November I decided it was time to try acupuncture. It has been a God-send. After two treatments I was almost pain free. After four, pain free. During this flare-up I lost strength in my left arm. It has returned to normal. I have one treatment left and then as needed after that.

Has anyone had similar success? I recommend trying it if you have any kind of chronic problem.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12