I don't think Chris had yet flipped...maybe because I — and I suspect others here — don't want it to be so...but Jimithicke does raise an interesting question that raises my suspicion level a notch: Why WAS Chris wearing a ballcap in the meeting between Tony and Phil? It's a little unprofessional and something that no one had ever done up to that point (Massarone doesn't count as he was only a connected businessman). What, just out of the blue Chris decides to put on a ballcap to go to an important meeting? And since nothing in the Sopranos is done half-assed or without thought behind it, there had to be a reason for the cap.

On the other hand, the mic-in-the-cap trick had already been found out when Massarone was whacked and his stupid hat was stuffed in his mouth. It's not like it was original anymore. And Chris was on high that night because he had begun using again (starting the night he killed JT) and Chris was ALWAYS a little high when he started using.