Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Not for nothin', but, just about every president has had a "shit load of problems" thrown onto him. Odds are, new presidents get elected because the previous one fucked something up. Truth be told: they're still all politicians. Don't confuse anti-someone with pro-someone else. I'm not anti-Obama at all -- I hope he does do great things! -- but I'm getting kinda sick to my stomach with all this (as of yet unearned) "savior" bullshit that so many are putting on his shoulders! Give the guy a break for chrissakes -- why all this pressure??

It's times like these that which leaders can make history, or fail tremendously. That's why as you've heard in the news media how probably that Obama can do as much in equality with the shit he's stuck dealing with.

In 1932, FDR was seen by the media and masses as the American Savior and the Depression and Hoover. Of course Depression only ended after WW2 began (war machine needed men to make weapons), but FDR's administration was mastery in propaganda with his Fireside Chats (and First 100 Days actions), for making people actually feel connected with their President, as if he's their champ, their guy.

In 1980, Reagan got elected mostly because he wasn't Jimmy Carter. But with a America at that time struck with the idea that it's weak, and Reagan really made an impression when he fired those striking Air Traffic Controllers without pause. This guy is action. I don't like his administration's bullshit guilt-by-association in El Salvador and such, but Reagan did re-engage his public with why America was great in the first place, at least the idea of it.

Point is, both Presidents were well-liked by the public, and shit even after the Iran-Contra mess that could have gotten Reagan impeached, the people went back to liking REagan, enough that when he left, he had the highest approval rating for a departing Prez (which Clinton surpassed).

I mean look at Obama now. He's got what, 67% approval rating? His likeness rating is 77%. People just like him right now, and with two wars we won't be leaving anytime soon, a shit economy, and a useless Congress....Americans want something to feel good about themselves.

Its like that stimulus package that Obama got passed, mostly because he had 80% roughly of America behind him. I heard off-handidly yesterday at the supermarket, a woman telling another how while he has some doubts about Obama's economic proposal: "At least he's actually proposed a solution. Nobody else has."

FDR and Reagan within US History is mostly propaganda-myth, with truth distorted to fit how we want to view those two, but hey why do we insist in believing that myth? Right now Obama is really popular partly because he aint President yet, and for all we know he could end up the next Jimmy Carter.

But for now, Americans like that they rub it in the noses of the Europeans that for all their self-proclaimed sophistication and "racial tolerance"*, that none of those nations will come close anytime soon to elect a minority with a "funny name." Shit even in frickin France, the African/Muslim minority population sees U.S. right now as more progressive than Paris.


Originally Posted By: J Geoff
Are/were you people REALLY pro-Obama (or pro-Gore or pro-Kerry), or just so ANTI-Bush that it didn't matter who the hell ran against him? tongue wink

More like I voted against the 2000s.