Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Originally Posted By: Brwne Byte
And like I said, it's not that serious. rolleyes

Films are serious if you're passionate about them. You took the time to draw Elvira and Tony Montana... why? You were obviously serious enough about Scarface to take the time to turn them into a drawing (art). How is that different than taking the time to discuss movies (art)?

EXACTLY. It's only as serious as one is willing to take it.

I mean THE GODFATHER, when Brando has his great speech about why the Mob shouldn't deal narcotics. I mean even logic at the time would clearly state how silly that whole scene's idea is, because Mob will do anything for good money, and don't have any sort of ethics.

BUT, we loved that character, loved that movie, loved that mythic universe within it, we take Brando's unheeded advice to heart.