Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
Originally Posted By: Brwne Byte
I too don't wanna analyze it to death. It is just a reaally good movie.
I suspect this is because the film does not - cannot - hold its own under closer scrutiny.

Question: why do people post questions and analyses over on the Godfather forum, but refuse to look at The Dark Knight in the same way?

I love how quick the Godfather comparisons for this film were killed. And how its fans say, "It's just a ('reaally good') movie", nothing more, nothing less.

They died down? Says who?

If anything, TDK is more a comic book movie attempt at HEAT, or 3-4 dynamic larger-than-life people in a saga set in one giant ass city.

As for GODFATHER, well I think it was Kevin Smith who called TDK the GF2 of that genre, and I think he's got a good argument for it.