After watching DARK KNIGHT again on DVD, I'm convinced that Catwoman will be in the inevitable 3rd Nolan/Bale BATMAN picture. Now I assume everyone and their dead relatives has seen TDK by now, so don't bitch about the spoilers. Just click elsewhere, and don't look below.

I mean think it, Bale lost the only possible love of his life, and now as a wanted-cop killer, he's more effective as a crime-cleaner, but still down in the dumps emotionally. Thus the ole femme fatale dynamics with a Catwoman, new psychopathic freak villain, but can she be something else?

It worked for BATMAN RETURNS, and again here, just with a different twist: Remember BATMAN BEGINS when Bale was going to assassinate his parents' murderer, but was beaten literally to the punch?

Well, what if Bale had succeeded and gotten his revenge? Well, that's Catwoman...someone wronged who loses sight of the big picture, and becomes a brutal vigilante, or the Anti-Batman, which Bale could have become without that ninja training and flexing out his philosophy and shit.

Also, Catwoman is the only major Batman villain of which you can automatically have dynamics set up, as I said earlier. If with Joker its Order vs Chaos, then with Catwoman its Fate vs Free Will, or Redemption vs Inevitable?