Originally Posted By: Longneck
Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
If it is an assassin, then:

1) Who is his employer?
2) The answer is most likely New York. But then:
3) Phil's dead. Butchie made the truce with Tony.
4) Why would Butchie kill Tony? It doesn't make sense; without the direction of Phil (or the direction of Tony), the two families wouldn't have much business to attend to.
5) Is it possible that the Members Only guy was employed by Phil, and when Phil was killed, word couldn't get to Members Only? It's possible, but unlikely.

The last scene is at once relieving and tense. With Phil gone and the NY/NJ war over, he has every reason to sit down and enjoy a meal out with his family. On the other hand, his shrink has left him, his son just tried to commit suicide (and previous plotlines tell us he's prone to recurring depression), and Carlo just flipped to the Feds. Indictments are on the way.

The scene mirrors not so much Tony's paranoia, but his need to be paranoid. He can't live comfortably, he can't afford to. All this wealth and prosperity has brought him to a miserable, wretched life, with only surface grins and warmth.

I believe Tony was killed when the screen went black. We switch back and forth from Tony's POV to our usual POV and the black is Tony's POV again in my opinion. That said, Maybe an old order from Phil, who was in no position to cancel it. This is the most likely option.

Butch had watched Tony show him and his crime family disrespect when curb stomping CoCo and pointing the gun at Butch. If Butch is making a move to be boss, he can't let that go unanswered or he wouldn't get any respect.

I agree, although more with the idea that Butch was behind the hit. he was the new BOSS and NEVER liked Tony, even before the stomping of CoCo and Tony pointing the gun in his face (remember the scene when Tony goes to see Phil in the hospital afetr the heart attack?) Also, why would Butch, much like Phil want to "share" profits with Tony. I really feel it made sense for Butch to stay with the "decaptiate and do business with what's left" plan. Besides, two of the top three were already dead.

Also agree with the POV theory as well. Every time the bell rings we see Tony look up and then immediatley are taken to his POV. When the bell rings upon Meadow coming in Holsten's we see Tony look up and when we SHOULD go to his POV........total blackness! he never ,as Bobby asks in episode one of the last season, saw it coming!!