I just watched a double feature of the Oscar-winning documentary March of the Penguins (2005) followed by Bob Saget and company's all-star cast in Farce of the Penguins (2006). I thought the former would be boring (hell, minutes before I was falling asleep during the beginning of the classic Doctor Zhivago (1965) before I switched to March figuring I wouldn't miss much if I did fall asleep). And I didn't! Fascinating stuff. But I couldn't help but wonder why evolution couldn't include just a bit more practicality in a penguin's life. whistle lol

The Farce, on the other hand, lives up to its name. Saget, believe it or not, is one of the dirtiest and funniest comedians around (when not on TV), and the casting was superlative. Trouble is, everything else about it, for the most part, sucked. Corny as all hell, with less-than-indie-budget editing and production. Fun idea, but not fun enough to enjoy as most other adolescent slapstick comedies. Ahh well. Maybe the other Oscar-winning penguin film within a year -- Happy Feet (2006) -- will be better. wink

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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