I know the subject of Godfather's cars has been discussed before and Turnbull has more then adequately gave the definitive information on just about every important car used in the films. Where is this going? Well I am on a Cadillac message board, and one of the topics is "real" limos for "real" people. Naturally being an enthusiast of both Cadillacs and "The Godfather", I was motivated to make a post concerning Mike's choice of cars. I basically posted that Mike shunned having Cadillacs as his limo of choice, opting for a Packard and a Imperial Ghia. Someone responded that he did have a Cadillac when he first came back from Italy. I responded that he basically didn't choose the Cadillac as much as he "inherited" from the family and when he took total control, he didnt choose Cadillacs.

2 Questions:

-Was I correct in my assumption about the Cadillac he "inherited"?

-Who did choose what cars that Vito and Mike bought and were chauffeured around in. It seems to me that Vito, wasn't involved, because when he planned to the trip to the hospital, he said "Get the big car". Mike on the other hand, wanted to "get out of the family business in five years", and quite possibly he wanted to stay away from the stereotypical mob guy, riding around in big black Cadillacs, ala Don Barzini.

*For Cadillac fans, here is the thread:

Cadillac LaSalle Club Message Board

Last edited by johnny ola; 12/25/08 03:07 PM.

I love my Chrysler and tuna fish sandwiches.