Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
The Teixiera signing by the Yankees is further proof of the sport of baseball slowly dying. Not only should MLB be blamed for letting this happen, but I'm also starting to dislike Yankee fans who aren't completely embarrassed by their own team. How can anyone be proud of the Yankees? I understand if your heart lives and dies with the logo because you've been a fan your whole life, but what continues to happen over and over again in baseball is really obscene.

Baseball is the sport I love the most. I could give up all other sports but not this. And to see this happen is breaking my heart.

A couple of things Blibble. I can't argue that what the Yankees have done this offseason is CRAZY (almost half a billion dollars on 3 players). However, as a fan, I'm nothing but pleased. Hopefully this will return the Yankees to greatness. As a fan, it's a reassuring sigh of relief that the owners and organization are committed to winning. They and the Detroit Tigers just got slapped with the luxury tax this year ($26.9 million for the Yankees). That's almost an entire team's payroll. And what will these teams do who complain about the Yankees spending yet will accept a hand out. POCKET THE CASH! Yes, I understand no other team can financially compete with the Yankees and if they win in 2009 people will scream that they "bought" their championship but as I've said over and over again on this board, what other team cares that much about winning that they are willing to go to these lengths? My hat truly goes off to Hal/Hank Steinbrenner, Brian Cashman and everyone else who made it possible to sign these 3 gentlemen. Even I was surprised when they signed Mark (I thought for sure he was going to Boston but yet again, over a few million dollars he's now a Yankee instead of a Red Sox - hello Alex Rodriguez and Johnny Damon).

Secondly, I read this article from the New York Post that I agree with. Next year the Yankees probably would have went hard after Matt Holliday (remember, they passed on Carlos Beltran for Randy Johnson and settled for Johnny Damon the following season a few years ago). They aren't willing to make the same mistake again. Instead of waiting for a year to sign an inferior talent in Holliday as the writer suggests (he's not as well defensively or offensively), the Yankees chose to spend the money now rather than later (which they would have in any case). Mark my words though, Matt Holliday will be a Red Sox either in July before the trade deadline or next offseason. And I do agree, baseball is my favorite sport and this is my favorite time of the year. For whatever reason, baseball is the only offseason I religiously follow.

Finally, have no fear. Sooner or later (probably the former), MLB will have a salary cap. I think with the Yankees spending this offseason, people will be SCREAMING for it to happen now.