Everyone knows I'm a practicing Catholic, with a healthy respect for other religions, especially Judaism, so I'm not even going to get into this loaded debate, except to say, If you're an Atheist, that's your business. Just don't pick Christmas week to start an argument here, because it's just not right.

Coincidentally, THE GODFATHER PART III opened on Christmas Day, 1990. I was 31 years old at the time, hardly a kid, yet I had to see it that day (as I'm sure so did many other board members).

I picked up my brother, who was still living with our parents at the time, two of our friends, and we went to the 12 noon showing up at the Hawthorne Multiplex in Westchester County.

We all got to my parents house at about 3:30. Everyone was festive, happy, a little drunk, and they didn't even miss us. Except for the movie itself, it was a great Christmas. lol

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.