Originally Posted By: MaryCas
I would hope you don't buy gifts for other people because the gift-giving has it's tradition in the Christmas spirit, which is based on the gifts of the Magi (three wisemen) who visited Jesus.

While there is custom to bring gifts when you go visit a new born here for the first time, as is over there, though it is actually before the mother gives birth, here for our new year we give gifts or just cash to our youngsters. And our new year is in the Spring, and has been celebrated even longer than the birth of Christ. This custom of gift giving on New Year's Day has no religious significance whatsoever. Many traditions that are integrated in Christmas have come from German winter festivities and are older than Christianity.

It's in good spirit to start a new year exchanging gifts. I don't see why anyone should claim the ownership of this custom.

As for whatever day we could have off and spend it however we like, that day would be a great day for me, I don't really care why it is a holiday. Sadly we don't have Christmas off here and even our Christians celebrate birth of Christ on Jan 6, so I would be working.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones