Originally Posted By: Longneck
I think looking for social and political commentary in this movie is pretty pointless but it entertains like many movies can't.

Looking for social and political commentary in this movie should be pointless (it's a Batman film, after all), but I'm just approaching the film in the same way the director and producers did. If you want to understand a film as best you can before deciding on its worth, authorial intent can't go ignored.

And everyone who likes the film either do so despite its politics, or because of them.

Vague promotional phrases such as "The Joker is pure evil"; that kind of stuff. You really can't make a psychologically, politically or socially realistic film with that sort of jargon behind it.

And, as I said, you can't ever approach a Batman film seriously; and that goes for the makers as well as the viewers.

The makers have (fatally) approached it in all seriousness. Nolan directed The Prestige; he's far too talented to be wasting time on this franchise (in the way in which he is). Don't be so intellectually or artistically dishonest.

(I'd be interested in how anyone refutes this.)

...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?