Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and his Chief of Staff have been taken into federal custody on corruption charges. They were allegedly both willing and quite eager to "sell" Obama's Senate seat for anything and everything they could get.

"The breadth of corruption laid out in these charges is staggering," U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said in a statement. "They allege that Blagojevich put a 'for sale' sign on the naming of a United States Senator; involved himself personally in pay-to-play schemes with the urgency of a salesman meeting his annual sales target; and corruptly used his office in an effort to trample editorial voices of criticism."

From the wiretap data released by the FBI, apparently Governor Blagojevich was apparently pissed that Obama's camp wouldn't give anything in political considerations or kickbacks in favor of Blagojevich appointing Obama's supposed prefered pick.

"He promises in return only appreciation? Fuck him."