Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
What happens if it adjusts and it's a tie? Does Goombah still win because he defeated Klyd in the regular season matchup?

Originally Posted By: Yahoo FAQ

How are ties during the playoffs broken?
In the event that a playoff game ends in a tie, the deadlock is broken using the following system:
  • Most touchdowns scored by entire starting roster. [7 for GO, 3 for KL]
  • Most fantasy points by starting quarterback(s).
  • Most fantasy points by starting defensive team(s).
  • Most fantasy points by starting defensive player(s).
  • Most fantasy points by starting defensive back(s).
  • Most fantasy points by starting defensive linemen.
  • Most fantasy points by starting wide receiver(s).
  • Most fantasy points by starting running back(s).
  • Most fantasy points by starting tight end(s).
  • Most fantasy points by starting kicker(s).

  • When breaking a tie in a playoff game, the only statistics used are from that specific game. Cumulative season stats are not considered.
  • All touchdowns scored by the team (passing, rushing, receiving, returns, and defensive) are counted in the playoff tiebreaker. This includes TDs scored by individual offensive players, defensive teams, and individual defensive players (if used).
  • Regular-season head-to-head results are not factored into playoff tiebreakers.
  • Only the touchdown categories used in your league are used to settle ties. If no touchdown categories exist within your league, the tie is settled by quarterback points (assuming the QB position exists).

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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