Anyone here have a LiveJournal account? That's where I've been all this time, and I am addicted to it for some reason.

Anyhow, do you guys know how many complete idiots are on LiveJournal? I mean, there was this one girl who posted some fanart in a community I'm it- anyway, she got bashed because everyone said her art was "bad". Someone called her the C word. I was outraged. I made a report, in hopes that her account would get suspended, but I don't think Support did anything, and it's like all this disrespect was all for the so-called "lulz".

But I still think it is wrong when they go to far and throw names at people, and I don't care what the reason behind it may be. What do you guys think?

Here's a pic of one of the offenders that called her that name, just the icon: