Friend Harry Lawrence is working on getting together a Gangster Convention for Summer 2009 in St. Paul. This could overlap with a Public Enemies Exhibition which Paul Maccabee, author of John Dillinger Slept Here, is planning at the Landmark Center (former Federal Court building where the Bremer and Hamm kidnapping and Dillinger harboring trials and other cases were tried). Both events are planned to coincide with the release of the movie Public Enemies, starring Johnny Depp as Dillinger. The Gangster Convention would focus on both '30s outlaws and Mafia/organized crime.

Harry is an old hand at this, having previously organized the 2005 Golden Age of Gangsters Convention in Chicago which brought together many authors, memorabilia collectors, Mob merchandise vendors, and even "Mafia Princess" Antoinette Giancana and cast members of The Sopranos.

There is a lot of local interest in the Twin Cities' rich gangster history, from Dillinger and the Barker-Karpis Gang to Kid Cann and his Mob, as evidenced by the success of Wabasha Street Caves and their dual outlaw/gangster tours of both cities. And several true-crime authors have already expressed an interest in participating.

If interested, contact Harry at or his office number at 440-327-0880.