Originally Posted By: Lompac
I've seen Season one 5 times!!

Jimmy and Pussy were mixed up by corrupt cop, Vic Makazian. Tony desperately wanted Jimmy to be the rat and not Pussy, as Tony and Pussy were best friends. As for the hotel secene and Silvio saying, "You should call for help down your microphone", Jimmy said, "Oh god" when Silvio put the gun to his head. This isn't a reference to being a rat, this is Jimmys way of saying, "I'm a goner". Jimmy knew that his "friends" had thought that he was a rat and Jimmy went for his gun because he thought that he might have had a chance to kill either Chrissy or Silvio, or both.

After Jimmy was found in the alley, Skip said to Pussy, "Jimmy Altieri ate a bullet for you". This mean't that Jimmy wasn't a rat.

Watch what Jimmy does when he gets out of jail talking with Tony asking him about the Columbians and the money, then Brenden Filone Hit with Junior, read his body language when he is talking about these things. The actor did a great job of it. Altieri and Pussy were both rats. "He didn't have time to put on anything decent."

Not to mention as Tony said in the first conversation after Jimmy was released how he got out so soon when he was already on parole or something similar.

He was a rat, and it's obvious.

Long as I remember The rain been coming down.
Clouds of Mystery pouring Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Trying to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.