Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Perhaps you can explain to me how the federal budget had a "fake" surplus. It was either there, or it wasn't.

I think that you actually answered your own question a few sentences down when you went on to say :

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Plenty of people made fortunes on those dot coms. And how would Enron impact the federal budget?

Taxes paid to the federal government from these fortunes made from these FAKE dot-coms helped to create a financial surplus in the federal budget which in turn created what seemed like a booming economy. These fortunes that were being made also helped stimulate the economy by the spending that took place from the "cooked" profits that were being made which in turn allows the federal government to curtail federal spending and helps to allow, to what seemed to be, a surplus in the budget to grow.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Why didn't you bother to respond to the rest of the post which spoke to the horror that the past eight years has been, and the completely and totally incompetent manner in which the Bush administration handled everything?


As I said in that original reply :

Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

While I am not defending President Bush here when it comes to the economic practices that we've seen in this country over the last several years,

Once again, I am in no way defending what took place financially under President Bush and this administartion's watch, but by the same token I refuse to sit back and allow someone to paint a rosey picture for President Clinton and his administration and what was allowed to take place under his watch which made our economy look as though it was booming. What was allowed to take place under his watch caught up to us a few years later and had a big affect on our federal budget and our economy overall.

Both of these administrations are guilty of turning their heads or not being responsible for what has taken place in regards to this country's current negative financial situation. Both contributed in some way to what has now amounted to the financial disaster that we are facing.

Hopefully our President-Elect will live up to his campaign slogan and provide the "change" that he has continually promised us. He himself has said that it's time for "CHANGE" over what we've seen in the last 16 years.

"We need change."

- President Elect Obama



But sincerely, for all of our sake, I really hope that he can and does bring change, for the better, to this country and it's people.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.